One of the best Sandwich Rock Songs ever was released by a British Band named Slade back in 1981. The song, Knuckle Sandwich Nancy, told the story about the lead singer, Noddy Holder, getting his lights knocked out by an overzealous bouncer after a show.
Of course, everyone knows that a "knuckle sandwich" refers to a punch in the mouth, where the sandwich would be the aggressor's fist. The way that Holder described the whole incident was so direct and honest, and he didn't hide the fact that he was "put out like a light". That's what makes the song so great!
There's a detailed description on the album's "Till Deaf Do Us Part" Wikipedia page.
On Wikipedia, it states, "Knuckle Sandwich Nancy has lyrics (that) refer to a real-life incident suffered by (Noddy) Holder. During a 1978 gig in Porthcawl, a bouncer became too aggressive with the fans, to which Holder told him to lay off. The bouncer later attacked Holder after the show, giving him a broken nose and black eyes. Holder would press charges and the bouncer was sent to jail for three months."
The Knuckle Sandwich
Here is the incredible song that Noddy Holder and Jim Lea wrote as a result of the incident, "Knuckle Sandwich Nancy".
Knuckle Sandwich Nancy by Slade
Current Slade Lineup
Slade is an amazing band that has had huge hits, both on their own and by other bands covering their songs.
The current lineup of Slade is fronted by Dave Hill, and their web site link is listed below. Plus, there are more videos of Slade on their Youtube Channel, so you can check that out as well.
Classic Music Videos
Here are two more songs from Slade that Last Sandwich has always liked, "Run Run Away" and "My Oh My".
Run Run Away by Slade
My Oh My by Slade
And just to show the reach that Slade had all over the world, here is a cover of "My Oh My" by Wakin Chau (周華健), a very famous singer from Taiwan and Hong Kong.
And of course, here is the most famous cover of a Slade song of all-time, the Top 10 USA smash, "Cum On Feel The Noize" for Quiet Riot in 1983.